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You can also visit our shop where you can buy food, medicines or veterinary treatment for our dogs at the click of a button!

All donations however small are very much appreciated. Donations will go towards the centre and the care of the dogs, primarily food and veterinary bills. Please read the ABOUT US PAGE for more details of our outgoings and how your donation would be used.


Use the link below to donate to Cantinho da Lili

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

We are in constant need of various items at the centre. Please see the list below of things we are asking for at the moment.







Adult and Puppy food
Beds and Bedding
Metal dog bowls
Collars, Leads and Harnesses
Dog coats
Pet carriers
Metal buckets
Cleaning products

Dog toys

Rubber gloves

Kitchen towel


We guarantee that all donations received through this website will go directly to help the centre and the care of the dogs.

Alternatively you can transfer directly into our Portuguese bank account. Identification number 003508360069948160046. IBAN number 50003508360069948160046.

O Cantinho da Lili é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada à reabilitação e ao realojamento de cães e cachorros abandonados e maltratados. Garantimos que todas as doações recebidas através desta página irão diretamente para ajudar ao abrigo e ao cuidado dos cães.


Esperamos que esta página desperte o teu amor pelos animais, porque, quando amamos algo, protegemo-lo, e quando o protegemos, asseguramos o seu bem-estar.



Cantinho da Lili is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and neglected dogs and puppies. We guarantee that all donations received through this website will go directly to help the centre and the care of the dogs.


We hope this website may wake up in you your love for animals, because when we love something, we protect it, and when we protect it, we insure its welfare.

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