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We urgently need more volunteers willing to give up a few hours of their time every week (or more!) to help at the centre. We need people to help clean out the dogs kennels, check over and feed the dogs. We need people who can take some of the dogs for walks, play with the dogs and give them love. We need people who can do odd jobs around the centre such as mending fencing or fixing leaks. As a volunteer you can work at your own pace and we can find you something to do to fit your needs.

We also need people to help promote our presence online. We need people who can post to social media sites, forums and websites about the centre, upcoming events or promotions. We need help updating our website and Facebook page and help dealing with emails.

Cantinho da Lili Needs You! Are there any motivated and creative people out there that could hold a fundraiser for the rescue? Maybe a sponsored walk, or a bring and buy sale, a car boot sale or whatever it takes to raise some money to help continue the work that Cantinho da Lili does. This would have to be organised by you and your friends, and not the rescue centre as I am sure you can appreciate we have enough to do with looking after the rescue. Also Cantinho da Lili would hold no responsibility for the event organised but the money raised would then be donated to help the dogs. So please if anyone can do this it would be fantastic and would help so many dogs. If you can hold a fundraiser then please can you send us a message about what you wish to do to raise money for the rescue. Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

O Cantinho da Lili é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada à reabilitação e ao realojamento de cães e cachorros abandonados e maltratados. Garantimos que todas as doações recebidas através desta página irão diretamente para ajudar ao abrigo e ao cuidado dos cães.


Esperamos que esta página desperte o teu amor pelos animais, porque, quando amamos algo, protegemo-lo, e quando o protegemos, asseguramos o seu bem-estar.



Cantinho da Lili is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and neglected dogs and puppies. We guarantee that all donations received through this website will go directly to help the centre and the care of the dogs.


We hope this website may wake up in you your love for animals, because when we love something, we protect it, and when we protect it, we insure its welfare.

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