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Please be aware we will NOT be running our monthly carboot sale and craft market over the Autumn and Winter. We have been disapointed with the turnout and after nearly a year of trying we have decided to take a break from it to re-evaluate how to make it work. We hope to be back with a fresh outlook next Spring!

In the meantime you can visit our second hand shop inside the De Klomp store at Estrada Nacional 17, Recta da Salinha-Nogueira do Cravo, 3400-493 Oliveira do Hospital. We are open Wednesdays and Weekends from 11:00 to 19:00. See below for more details.

You can also find us often at the Baril craft and produce market, the third Saturday of every month by the bridge at Baril de Alva.

We sometimes collect donations at local Supermarkets. Keep up to date on where our next collection will be via our Facebook page.


Sometimes beautiful generous people organise their own fundraising events for the centre. Keep up to date on these via our Facebook page.

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Cantinho da Lili Charity Shop at De Klomp.

Open Wednesdays and Weekends from 11:00 to 19:00

Inside De Klomp, Estrada Nacional 17, Recta da Salinha-Nogueira do Cravo, 3400-493 Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal.

All items are in good condition and very cheap!

In stock now:
Second hand quality clothing, adults, childrens and maternity, all washed.
Accessories including Shoes and Handbags.
Home furnishings including Cushions and Bedding.
English, Portuguese, French and Dutch Books.
CDs and DVDs.

We are also looking out for more clean, quality clothing of all types, shoes, accessories, clean bed linen, curtains, books, dvds and other quality items to replenish the shop. Also if anyone has any spare free standing clothes rails or hangers that you are not using can you let one of us know.

If you are in the Tabua, Santa Comba, Carregal, Midoes/Tondela Region you can contact Sylvia on to organise collection of stuff. If you are further towards Oliveira/Seia/Gouveia then you can contact Fi on or Catherine on to arrange pickup, or you can alternatively take stuff to De Klomp on Wednesdays after 11.00 when Fi will be there to receive donations of items. If you are taking stuff direct to the store please drop one of us an email to say that you are doing so.

Thanks to everyone who has already donated and please let people know about the shop.

O Cantinho da Lili é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada à reabilitação e ao realojamento de cães e cachorros abandonados e maltratados. Garantimos que todas as doações recebidas através desta página irão diretamente para ajudar ao abrigo e ao cuidado dos cães.


Esperamos que esta página desperte o teu amor pelos animais, porque, quando amamos algo, protegemo-lo, e quando o protegemos, asseguramos o seu bem-estar.



Cantinho da Lili is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and neglected dogs and puppies. We guarantee that all donations received through this website will go directly to help the centre and the care of the dogs.


We hope this website may wake up in you your love for animals, because when we love something, we protect it, and when we protect it, we insure its welfare.

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