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 All the dogs and puppies in our care need patrons even if they have one already. For €5 a month you can become a patron of one of our dogs or puppies of your choice until they find a permanent home. We welcome all individuals, families and businesses.


As a patron local to Gouveia one of the most important things you should do is try and find a home for the dog you are a patron of.


Some of our dogs are unable to be rehomed and urgently need patrons to help them financially and volunteers to visit them, give them some love and take them for walks.


There are many reasons why some dogs can not be rehomed but it is not always a permanent situation. We have a small number of dogs that have bitten people in the past and although they are generally good with the people at the centre they can not be rehomed. Some of our dogs have behavior problems which makes them difficult to rehome and some of our dogs have medical conditions that need treating before they are rehomed. Some of these dogs could be rehomed with someone experienced in dealing with dogs with these issues.


Alternatively you can volunteer to help a dog or puppy. You can visit the dog, take it for walks and help train and socialise it. If you have experience with caring for dogs you can foster dogs or puppies while they are waiting for permanent homes.

O Cantinho da Lili é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada à reabilitação e ao realojamento de cães e cachorros abandonados e maltratados. Garantimos que todas as doações recebidas através desta página irão diretamente para ajudar ao abrigo e ao cuidado dos cães.


Esperamos que esta página desperte o teu amor pelos animais, porque, quando amamos algo, protegemo-lo, e quando o protegemos, asseguramos o seu bem-estar.



Cantinho da Lili is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and rehoming of abandoned and neglected dogs and puppies. We guarantee that all donations received through this website will go directly to help the centre and the care of the dogs.


We hope this website may wake up in you your love for animals, because when we love something, we protect it, and when we protect it, we insure its welfare.

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